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Oral Sex Tips For Him


But oral sex demands total surrender to the moment and the person you're with. Unfortunately, I am often stuck in my own head. Instead of being lost in ecstasy, when a guy goes down on me, I'm worrying about loose hairs, whether or not his jaw is getting exhausted, and how I look down there.

Or my mind wanders to things that have absolutely nothing to do with sex: I fret that I'm late with the cable bill or that I left the iron on. I worry that I will never reach orgasm, which usually ensures that I won't, because nothing detracts from erotic abandon like performance anxiety. All too often, receiving oral sex spirits me away from a universe of pleasure and into the troublesome territory of overeager den mother: Are you sure you're OK down there? Do you need anything to drink? Would anyone like cookies?

oral sex tips for him

However, I'm not the only woman I know who feels ambivalence toward oral sex. When I asked female friends for their opinions, many gave less than stellar reviews: It takes too long. Guys don't know what they're doing. It requires a shower. One friend was obsessed with the notion that bits of mealy toilet paper could be stuck down there. Another simply said, "Meh."

Receiving oral sex can bring a lot of uncomfortable emotion to the surface. It can trigger insecurities, intense vulnerability, and pressure to perform. So instead of relaxing and enjoying yourself, you feel nervous about receiving oral sex and end up avoiding it altogether.

Receiving oral sex is a feast of sensation, and yours for the taking the more present and embodied you are. By focusing on sensation and letting yourself follow wherever that takes you, you can create a truly ecstatic experience that engages each and every one of your senses.How to relax & enjoy receiving oral sex #8:Breathe

There is no reason not to enjoy receiving oral while menstruating. If your partner is into it, there's no reason to be uncomfortable or afraid. Also, the clit is the main focal point of female pleasure and is a less "bloody" location.

Not every person enjoys oral sex the same way. Remember, the clitoral network is complex. Some only want external clitoral stimulation, while others want a combination of external and internal stimulation. (And some, of course, may want no external clitoral stimulation at all.)

If your partner happens to be into clit biting, well, you might just get the green light to introduce your chompers! But in short: Without a verbalized invitation, keep your teeth to yourself when it comes to oral.

While lying on your back is a glorious way to be served, there are lots of different positions you can try for variations on oral sex. And if you or your partner have limited mobility, there are plenty of options to make oral sex work for you. (Check out this guide for some specific ideas.)

Sex should be fun, but it can also be complicated. Welcome to Sexual Resolution, a biweekly column by sex therapist Vanessa Marin answering your most confidential questions to help you achieve a healthy, joyful sex life. Here, she answers a reader who is having a hard time receiving oral sex due to her body insecurities. Have your own question? Ask it here.

In the shower, pull your outer labia apart so you can gently wash your inner labia with warm water. Use a fingertip to make sure the buildup is washed away. In between showers, you can refresh yourself by gently cleaning your inner labia with a damp washcloth or biodegradable wipe. If you take a moment to do this before you and your partner are intimate, it will probably go a long way towards helping you feel more comfortable receiving oral sex. You can keep a few wipes handy in your bathroom or purse, or even use some dampened tissue paper in a pinch. (Just make sure to be extra gentle, since the area in and around your labia can be quite delicate.)

When oral sex is performed on a woman, it is known as cunnilingus. On a man, it's called fellatio. Both top the wish lists of most minds at dirty play. Especially men, since that gives them the chance to be 'consumed' rather than play 'provider' all the time. However, couples often go wrong at the 'oral test,' putting off their partners and losing out on some loaded action. FYI helps you ace the tricky art.

A dental dam, which is a thin piece of latex, can also be used during oral sex to prevent the spread of infection. It can be placed over the genitals or anus (back passage) before giving oral sex. It creates a barrier that prevents bodily fluids being passed between people and reduces your risk of getting a sexually transmitted infection.

Gonorrhoea is a bacterial sexually transmitted infection (STI). It is spread through vaginal, anal or oral sex, or by the fingers and hands from the genitals to the eyes. It is less common in the general community than other STIs such as chlamydia. Gonorrhoea can infect the throat, rectum (back passage), urethra (urine passage), cervix (neck of the womb) and eyes.

Note: This article is an in-depth, classy how-to guide for wives on how to do oral sex (blow jobs / fellatio) for your husband. We also have an in-depth guide for husbands on how to do oral sex for their wives (called Cunnilingus)!

Be careful about what you say when this happens. Men can be very sensitive about the size of their penis and whether or not they can get an erection and keep one. Remarks, although seemingly harmless to you, may have long-term ego scarring that can affect future sexual encounters. Here are some tips when this happens:

Flex that tongue! Are you aware that your tongue is supposedly the strongest muscle in your body? Put it to good use while performing the best oral sex techniques. You can use your tongue in different ways to pleasure your partner during oral sex. Just be aware that men are very different when it comes to what they like, so judge his reaction.

Kiss her lips, neck and make your way down her body until you are kissing her inner thighs. Keep eye contact as much as possible and position yourself in a way that you can caress her breasts from time to time. The idea is to turn her on before you start the oral sex and make her tingle. A bit of teasing works really well here. Try breathing on her, but no licking or touching at first; or teasing her with her clothing on. The build up can drive her wild.

Ah, knowing how to make a guy go down on you should be a breeze, right? Every guy likes receiving blowjobs and knows how good it feels, so of all people, men should know the pleasure one can get while receiving oral sex.

In this article, we look at the ways that endometriosis can lead to painful sex. We also discuss tips for managing this pain, including positions, toys, timings, and how to talk with a partner about the condition.

Ps. If you enjoyed reading these sex tips for men, then you will also love watching my Supercharge Your Sex Life video series. It helps men to be better lovers, last longer in bed, and pleasure their partner more fully.

Fellatio can also be performed on a dildo and can be very sensual for both the giver and receiver. Some lesbians, genderqueer, or trans folks who have a vulva might want to receive oral on their dildo when wearing a strap-on. Pleasure for the receiver in this instance can come from watching their partner perform on the dildo or feeling like the dildo is an extension of their body, which could be very gender-affirming for them.

A lot of anxiety around trying oral for the first time comes from nerves about what we smell or taste like down there. I remember when I was a teen and I heard my peers talking about how vulvas smelled like fish, I absolutely refused to let anyone go down on me for years because of this. Trust me, as long as you aren't smelling something abnormal for your body, you smell and taste fine down there.

Herpes is caused by the herpes virus, of which there are two types: herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). While they are both capable of infecting the genitals, anus, rectum, lips, mouth, and throat, HSV-1 more typically causes oral herpes while HSV-2 is most commonly associated with genital herpes.

"The pelvic muscle that we do kegels with is the orgasm muscle that contracts," says Sadie Allison, PhD, sexologist and co-founder of GoLove CBD lubricant. That means that by practicing your kegels while receiving oral sex, you can help yourself reach orgasm more effectively.

If it's been a while or you've simply never intentionally flexed your kegel muscles before, not to worry; check out our step-by-step guide on how to do kegels, and consider trying kegel balls to 'weight train' your vagina for an overall better oral-sex experience.

Your vagina is a self-cleaning organ, so this tip is more so about piquing confidence than cleanliness. For instance, if you've been working from home in the same coffee-stained sweatpants for four days in a row, perhaps refreshing yourself may help you get in the mood and, in turn, enjoy receiving oral sex more. "If hygiene is of concern, take a quick shower beforehand or have pH-friendly wipes with you to freshen up," says Dr. Allison "Or, try receiving oral sex in the shower."

Engage directly with your partner in a really soul-bearing way can be the intimacy-boosting ingredient your oral-sex routine was missing. "Consider making eye contact and watching your partner versus closing your eyes," Dr. Allison says.

Need something to get you started? "Ask your partner to stroke your G- spot with a curved index finger as they perform oral," says Dr. Allison "Or have your partner perform a light sucking motion in between tongue strokes."

Oral sex is the sexual activity in which the mouth and tongue of one partner stimulate the genitals of the other partner. Oral sex is supposed to be pleasurable and fun for both the partners. However, you must keep in mind that HIV and sexually transmitted diseases may spread through oral sex; so consider using a condom. Also, it is not compulsory for you to let him ejaculate in your mouth. 2ff7e9595c


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